Safe-Guard AquaSol (Dewormer)

We recommend Safe-Guard AquaSol (Fenbendazole 20%) as it does not have an egg withdrawal period. Many people use the Safe-Guard for Goats version (Fenbendazole 10%), which is more commonly available — however, it not only has a 17 day egg withdrawal period, but is not anywhere near as effective, as it doesn’t actually fully dissolve in water, so they don’t actually get a large enough dose.

When treating, ensure that the ONLY water available to them contains the medication. It should be given for 5 consecutive days before switching back to unmedicated water.

MOLT NOTICE: If your chickens are molting, do NOT use Fenbendazole, as it potentially causes stunted feather growth. Instead, we recommend using Pyrantel Oral Solution as the most effective secondary option. As a side note, Pyrantel does not work for tapeworm or gapeworm, and has a 7 day egg withdrawal period.

It is also strongly recommended that a second treatment be administered 10–14 days after the first treatment, in order to kill off any remaining worms that may have hatched after the initial treatment.

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Why is there No Egg Withdraw?

Excellent question (and you’re not the first to ask)! It’s actually got nothing to do with the medication itself; but rather, in what form the medication is both made as well as administered.

The water soluble version (AquaSol) is a quick and effective dose that hits the system hard and leaves the body quickly. The Goat version comes in either a capsulated powder form or liquid oral suspension form.

The powder form has particles that remain in a chickens digestive system for weeks before they’re completely broken down and removed from the body. The liquid oral suspension is a ruminant drench product; a dewormer used safely for decades in many species (Safe-Guard Suspension 10%), which is vastly different from the Safe-Guard AquaSol dewormer labeled for use in poultry.

While both dewormers use the same active ingredient (fenbendazole), the process employed to produce Safe-Guard AquaSol yields particle sizes 10 to 100 times smaller than Safe-Guard Suspension 10% for Goats.

Additionally, Safe-Guard AquaSol is a 20% suspension – two times more concentrated than the Safe-Guard Suspension 10% for Goats. Most people don’t realize that many medications actually require a much higher concentration to be effective in poultry.

This is why we always recommend a water-soluble solution such as AquaSol (or if they’re molting, Pyrantel). FYI, Pyrantel is ineffective against tapeworms and gapeworm.

Wry Neck

Safe-Guard AquaSol