Wry Neck

Wry neck (torticollis) is not an illness but rather a clinical sign used to describe an abnormal head and neck position. Other commonly used slang terms include ‘twisted neck’, ‘stargazing’, limber neck’, ‘crook neck’, and ‘crooked neck’. Wry neck causes the bird’s head and neck to appear twisted and tilted.

Wry neck itself is not a diagnosis, but rather  it is a symptom of an underlying cause; nutritional, botulism, metal toxicity, trauma, parasites, ammonia toxicity, Newcastle, Marek’s, Fowl Cholera, etc.

  • Tucking head between legs.
  • Twisting neck all the way around with the head held upside down.
  • Sideways crooking of the head and neck.
  • Sideways tilting of the head and neck.
  • Stretching neck and head over back with head tilted upwards (stargazing)

Wry neck caused by a nutritional deficiency can be treated by supplementing the chicken’s diet with the proper vitamins and minerals.

Quarantine the affected chicken(s) to avoid additional stress. Then, provide a supplement with Vitamin E and Selenium. You will need to give the chicken (or chick) supplemental vitamin E, preferably with selenium, as well. Selenium helps the body absorb and utilize vitamin E. Look for vitamin and mineral supplements that have been specifically formulated for chickens or poultry.

To treat wry neck, you will want to administer the vitamin supplement at least 2 to 3 times a day. You can add the supplement to the chicken’s feed or water depending on what form the supplement is in.

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What It Looks Like

Wry Neck

Wry Neck

Wry Neck

Wry neck (torticollis) is not an illness but rather a clinical sign used to describe an abnormal head and neck position. Other commonly used slang terms include ‘twisted neck’, ‘stargazing’, limber neck’, ‘crook neck’, and ‘crooked neck’. Wry neck causes the bird’s head and neck to appear twisted and tilted.

Wry neck itself is not a diagnosis, but rather  it is a symptom of an underlying cause; nutritional, botulism, metal toxicity, trauma, parasites, ammonia toxicity, Newcastle, Marek’s, Fowl Cholera, etc.

  • Tucking head between legs.
  • Twisting neck all the way around with the head held upside down.
  • Sideways crooking of the head and neck.
  • Sideways tilting of the head and neck.
  • Stretching neck and head over back with head tilted upwards (stargazing)

Wry neck caused by a nutritional deficiency can be treated by supplementing the chicken’s diet with the proper vitamins and minerals.

Quarantine the affected chicken(s) to avoid additional stress. Then, provide a supplement with Vitamin E and Selenium. You will need to give the chicken (or chick) supplemental vitamin E, preferably with selenium, as well. Selenium helps the body absorb and utilize vitamin E. Look for vitamin and mineral supplements that have been specifically formulated for chickens or poultry.

To treat wry neck, you will want to administer the vitamin supplement at least 2 to 3 times a day. You can add the supplement to the chicken’s feed or water depending on what form the supplement is in.

There are no additional notes available on this topic at this time.

What It Looks Like

Wry Neck

Wry Neck

Wry Neck